Welcome Home
Love, Thrive, and Grow for the Glory of God.
Come worship with us
Our Church is located at 9221 148th Avenue, near Orion, Illinois
Our phone number is 309-787-5755
Worship service is at 9:00 every Sunday. Pastor Tim, his staff and the whole congregation welcome you!
Sunday School (All Ages) 9:15 am
Morning Worship Service 9:00 am
Our Mission
Working together for spiritual growth to glorify, praise, worship and share God's love.
Our Vision
Beulah is: A Christ-centered family of faith. Flexible in learning and listening to God. Serving the Lord with gifts and talents through multi-generational engagement. A Landmark Church, visible in the community, vibrant in ministry and impacting the world. A destination for continual growth.
Upcoming Events
06 October
08 October
08 October
03 November
12 November
12 November
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Our Location
- Address: 9221 148th Ave , Orion, IL 61273
- Phone: (309) 787-5755
- email: secretary@beulahpcusa.org
- Office Hours: Thu 9-10 am