Community Involvement
Through our Mission Work, Beulah gets involved in many community activities and events. Some events that we are involved in monthly or annually are:
- QC Area CROP Walk
- Food Pantry (Orion and Sherrard)
- Orion School Backpack Program
- Orion Area Churches Pie & Ice Cream Tent

Sunday Worship Service - 9am
Every Sunday we hold worship service starting at 9am. Our service is biblically based and includes a combination of bible readings, prayer, music, and messages. The service includes a Children’s Message and then the children are excused to attend Sunday School. We sing traditional hymns as well as other special music which is incorporated into our service. We are a friendly congregation and welcoming of all to come and worship with us.

Children's Sunday School 9:15am
We have weekly Sunday School class for the children from
September through May. The children attend our weekly worship service at 9am
and then following the Children’s Message are dismissed for Sunday School.

Agape Bible Study
The women’s circle meets monthly on the fourth Monday of the month (September – June) at 7pm. A new curriculum is chosen each year for their study. This group also organizes the yearly Apple Pie Day where the proceeds of the pie sales are distributed to various charities.
Sunday Worship Schedule
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00AM
Children’s Sunday School: 9:15AM
Office Hours (Thursdays: 309-787-5755) 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM