Kick Off Lent Mission Project
This year’s project is for Christian Care – Rescue Mission (now housing 42 men)
Collecting Ash Wednesday until Good Friday – (February 26, 2020 – April 10, 2020)
Our Mission Committee will be purchasing shower curtains and additional sheet sets that they now need. Following is an additional need that you can help with:
- New bath towels and wash clothes
- Please no red or other colors that may bleed when washed
- Light or neutral colors are best (please no pink or feminine colors)
- Monetary Donations to put toward the purchase of towels & wash clothes. (Please make checks payable to: Beulah Mission)
In June of 2019, Christian Care added 6 more beds so now they can house 42 men. Christian Care serves over 45,000 meals per year. They also have a daily meal site open 7 days a week which provides meals to anyone who comes. We look forward to your continued support of this project. The staff and the men at Christian Care really appreciate our donations.